history of himalayan pink salt.

Seven Seas International® provides 100% pure Himalayan Pink salt which is the cleanest, purest, and most beneficial salt version ever discovered on the planet of earth. It is believed that Himalayan Pink salt contains 84 naturally occurring minerals and other bio compounds that helps to maintain the fluid balance in our body. According to the history of Himalayan rock salt, it exists from ancient times and these salts are very natural and pure by its purity. The Himalayan rock salt history is a discovery from back 326 BC, but the Geologist believes that these Himalayan Salt Mines are from 800 Year Old.


These first salt mines were discovered by Alexander the great warrior’s horses. When he came with troops and stayed there for few days near the salt mines area, during this period Alexander’s horses found and react naturally to lick Himalayan Salt Mountain. They were the founder of Himalayan salt animal’s licks and Himalayan Salt from the mines of the Himalayan Mountains located in Pakistan.

According to the Himalayan salt history, the first time when Janjua people of Punjab rule there in 1200 BC, they start mining from this region of Himalayan salt mines, nowadays, Himalayan salt is referred to be the purest salt on the earth. From Himalayan mountains of Pakistan to the global customer’s table, Himalayan salt needs to go through at least 15 basic steps, including mining, sorting, processing, and packaging, and travels thousands of miles across several countries.

The Himalayan salt mine reserves are approximately 82 million metric tons of Himalayan rock salt out of which 0.35 million tons are extracted each year. Around 70 percent of the rock salt extracted goes to industrial use. The remaining 30 percent qualifies as edible.


One of the most interesting things about Himalayan salt mine is that it has 6 beds hospital for people suffering from Asthma. People can spend 8-10 hours a day in the hospital. The temperature in Himalayan salt mines remains constant at 18 degrees Celsius around the year. There is a tunnel inside the salt mine which is named the crystal valley. It has rock salt crystals in the roof and walls and they shine when light falls upon them.


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